The Psychoactive-Chocolate Mental Retreat is an exclusive therapeutic facility situated in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest, just off the edges of Iquitos, Peru. This facility is to heal mentally and emotionally traumatised patients from all over the world with the use of edible substances to alter the state of mind. Just as casual stimulants consumed daily by the general public (coffee, sugar, tea) have effects on our brains and bodies, psychedelic substances mixed with chocolate will be the main tool in healing the patients. The retreat provides spaces for patients to heal and recover through different activities that are essential to the infrastructure itself, including Theobromine cacao and psychoactive gardens, a chocolate factory, therapeutic ceremonial rooms with professional Amazonian shamans and living units for long-term stay. It also consists of a laboratory for scientists to carry out researches on the psychoactive plants within the Amazon and for all patients to study and understand the process they are going through.

Theobromine Cacao
Plantigation of the Cacao and Chocolate
Master Isometric drawing of the Psychoactive-Chocolate Mental Retreat in the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest
Site Plan Drawing
Section Drawing
Detailed Exploded Isometric Drawing
Exterior day time view
View of the cacao plantation walkway
Interior view of the Ayahuasca Ceremonial Therapeutic room
Exterior night time view
Plants of the Psychoactive Garden