Monday, March 10, 2014

60 Seconds Presentation

Keyword: Recapturing the Cultural Experience through 3D Technology
                Swaying of the stalk and the leaves that glide together with the wind, as the tassel pollinates itself to the ear, the Maize God has generously sacrifices itself to the birth and stability of the humankind until the next cycle comes again. He who temporarily dies, produces a permanence of society to live. Regarding themselves as the "children of the maize," the Mexicans, has kept the traditions of corn production and quality of the kernels to its purity as a gratitude for their everyday diet like tortillas. However, the counter effect of the United States' massive quantity of GMO corns and ethanol will soon bring a lost in essence of Mexico's maize if change is not taken place. The proposal of the project aims to create an alternative system for the market on Mexico's maize to the people as God gives to mankind. Mexicans will be evoked on their nationalism through the symbol of corn and 3D printing technology that plays an important role in Mexicans' sustenance of life. It will be located in public square called Zocalo which is a historical center of Mexico City. This public square is a palimpsest of historical events and values from politics, social, economic and especially culture, thereby ideal for the influence of the project on a large crowd. The project will bring in cultural references such as the seven caves, terracing cornfields, tianquiztli and calendar rituals into the design to inform the dominance of their identity over the prolonging effect of the colonial Mexico.

After the presentation and comments from Aj. Fredrik and other classmates, the proposal can be better treated if the production affects the international audiences. The project also needs to be improved on the narrative processes cornfield to 3D printing, and the design can extend beyond the square in order to increase the production of the project.

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